My PC has failed. What should I do?
If your PC has failed please remain calm and do not let emotions take over. Try to turn it off by means of the standard "Shutdown" procedure. If this is not possible and the PC doesn't react at all - try to reach it remotely (through the network) and to execute remote shutdown. Should this also be impossible - turn the power off and don't turn it on any more. Think about whether you have a recent backup or a data-loss situation. If your drive doesn't make strange noises (ticking, clicking, or banging) try to get it out of the PC and connect it to another PC that has a separate bootable hard drive. Maybe your drive is working just fine and your PC has another component failed. If you however know for sure that the disk has failed or this has been confirmed by a computer specialist, please send it to a data recovery company that has a Clean Room facility. Remember - if you have an abnormal situation and are unsure about what you should do, you can always call or mail us for a free advice. If your hard drive is failing one wrong step can cause severe damage and make all your data unrecoverable.
My hard drive makes strange noises / makes no sound at all. Maybe I can open it and try to fix it myself?
Opening a working hard drive in a standard room environment is absolutely forbidden and can quickly cause a severe mechanical damage. Hard drives may only be opened in a "Clean Room" (at least Class 100/ISO5) - a special environment where airborn particulates, temperature and humidity are strictly controlled.
I lost some important data, but there is a lot of cheap data recovery software on the internet. Why should I pay so much for a professional service?
We do not recommend using any DIY (Do-It-Yourself) data recovery software. While this type of software can help sometimes, there is a big risk that the program overwrites parts of the (corrupted) file system which makes further recovery even more difficult or impossible. Besides, if your hard drive suffers a mechanical or electronics problem this kind of software cannot help. If you have lost data which is essential for your business, if your drive does obviously not function well, please make no efforts to repair it yourself and send it to a professional data recovery company.
How do you work?
We work according to the "No Cure, No Pay" rule, i.e. we will only charge you for data that has been successfully recovered (excl. extra services). If we recover more than 80% of your data you have to pay the full price as specified on our website. In case we recover less than 80% of your data you can choose whether the recovery is successful or not, based on our evaluation rapport. During the evaluation process we do a thorough analysis of your disk to find out what problem is causing the data loss. Then depending on the problem we proceed with the necessary actions to resolve it. If special software has to be used we only use software developed by our company. This way we are sure that we approach the specific problem with the right software. If we consider that we can achieve even better results we redesign our software so that we can recover 100% of what is technically possible. If we face a new and unknown problem we develop proprietary software to fix it.
Does this mean that you can resolve any problem?
No, unfortunately. There is no data recovery company in the world that can achieve a 100% success rate. But if we can't help you, we don't charge you either. The very fact that your valuable data is lost for good is frustrating enough.
Can I buy software from you to recover the files myself?
No. We don't develop commercial software but for internal use only. Besides, using this proprietary software requires high skills and very profound knowledge of the file systems.
How long does data recovery take?
The typical turnaround time for non-urgent jobs is 2-3 weeks upon receipt of your package in our service point in Woerden. If you have more than one hard drive (RAID,SAN,NAS) we may need 1-2 more working days to complete the job.
How long will it take if I order an "urgent job"?
Completing an urgent job takes 2-4 working days in most cases and cost 150 euro more. If you have more than one hard drive (RAID,SAN,NAS) we may need 1-2 more working days to complete the job.
Can I have my hard drive repaired so I can use it again?
No, we do not repair hard drives.
I would like to receive a new hard drive from you with my recovered data copied on it. Is this possible?
Yes, this is technically possible provided you send us another working hard drive, otherwise you will be charged extra for the costs related to purchasing a new hard drive.
How do I have to package the hard drive prior to shipping?
First of all, if you are not far away you can always bring and leave your hard drive within working hours at our service point in Woerden, this is the safest way. In case you send it to us, it is extremely important for your hard drive to be packaged carefully in order to avoid any additional damage during shipment. Proper packaging will ensure a greater degree of recovery. First, remove the hard drive from your computer. Then wrap it up with an anti-static material. If an anti-static bag is not available to you, a freezer bag will suffice. Package the media in a box twice the size of the media and fill the box with foam, bubble or any anti-shock / vibration material. This is to ensure that the media does not move in the package during shipment. Be sure the padding material is at least two inches thick around the drive. Include a filled in Evaluation form inside the box and ship the hard drive directly to our office.
My documents contain confidential information. How can I be sure they will remain confidential?
This issue is settled in paragraph 6 of DRS Bulgaria General Terms and Conditions.